Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yesterday a small dog looks like beagle but with short ears appeared at my neighbourhood. I think I have fallen in love with that dog!! xD

*my sisters and I call it "The Mask" because it looks like the dog in "The Mask" movie*

It's a female cutie dog. Awww, she is soooooo friendly and cute! I fed her dog biscuit which my dog, Cussy did not finish eating and she devoured it like she is so hungry! She even followed me around when i tried to "bring" her for a walk as if i'm her owner! Erhem, shame shame Cussy, you don't even follow me whenever i bring you for a walk with the leash... Hahaha! Surprisingly, my sisters found out the cutie dog sat quietly in front of our house this morning. I think she is waiting for us to play with her... =)

Awww, tomorrow will be the Biology competition... *nervous*

People, pray for us(Tammy and I), okay? =)
I will do my best~

Shin-yi, Fighting!

Korean corner:

Heng-bok kah-sei-yo = Be Happy!

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